Before you begin
What is Docker
postedOn: 2023-3-28   updatedOn: 2023-3-28   includedIn: Docker
wordsCount: 772   readingTime: 2 mins   viewers:

Welecome to the Docker series and I’m gonna study this book, Learn Docker in a Month of Lunches(2020), by own my word.

This series consists of 4 parts:

  1. Understaning Docker Containers & Images
  2. Running Distributed Applications in Containers
  3. Running at Scale with a Container Orchestrator
  4. Getting Your Containers Ready for Production

This is the first post about series Docker. In this part, you can get up to speed quickly on the core Docker concepts: containers, images, and registries. you’ll learn how to run applications in containers, package your own applications in containers, and share those applications for other people to use. You’ll also learn about storing data in Docker volumes and how you can run stateful apps in containers. After throughing this chapter, you’ll be comfortable with all the fundamentals of Docker, and you’ll be learning with best pracices baked in from the start.

What is Docker

Docker is a platform for running application in lightweight units called containers. Containers have taken hold in software everywhere, from werverless functions in the cloud to strategic planning in the enterprise. Docker is becoming a core com- petency for operators and developers across the industry—in the 2019 Stack Overflow survey, Docker polled as people’s number one “most wanted” technology And Docker is a simple technology to learn. You can pick up this book as a com- plete beginner, and you’ll be running containers in chapter 2 and packaging appli- cations to run in Docker in chapter 3. Each chapter focuses on practical tasks, with examples and labs that work on any machine that runs Docker—Windows, Mac, and Linux users are all welcome here. The journey you’ll follow in this book has been honed over the many years I’ve been teaching Docker. Every chapter is hands-on—except this one. Before you start learning Docker, it’s important to understand just how containers are being used in the real world and the type of problems they solve—that’s what I’ll cover here. This chapter also describes how I’ll be teaching Docker, so you can figure out if this is the right book for you. Now let’s look at what people are doing with containers—I’ll cover the five main scenarios where organizations are seeing huge success with Docker. You’ll see the wide range of problems you can solve with containers, some of which will certainly map to scenarios in your own work. By the end of this chapter you’ll understand why Docker is a technology you need to know, and you’ll see how this book will get you there.

Why containers will take over the world

Creating lab envionment

how to install docker in your operaing system? docker run in your computer as flows:

  1. 내 블로그가
  2. 왜 음란해
  3. 이 미친 ㄱㅇ찰푸덮
  4. 아러ㅗㄷㅇ라ㅜ
  5. ㅇ러푸대

Being immediately effective

“Immediately effective” is another principle of the Month of Lunches series. In all the chapters that follow, the focus is on learning skills and putting them into practice. Every chapter starts with a short introduction to the topic, followed by try-it-now exercises where you put the ideas into practice using Docker. Then there’s a recap with some more detail that fills in some of the questions you may have from diving in. Lastly there’s a hands-on lab for you to go the next stage. All the topics center around tasks that are genuinely useful in the real world. You’ll learn how to be immediately effective with the topic during the chapter, and you’ll fin- ish by understanding how to apply the new skill. Let’s start running some containers!