How to Sort Data
What is Sorting
wordsCount: 54
readingTime: 1 min
What this post focus on
This posting will cover almost every concept of How to sort (primary)
. Plus, I’ll post realistic algorithm problem of our real world so that you can apply those concept to real world problem and learn how to use it. I really hope so.
Let’s see the below example.
Table of Contents
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Sorting Problem
Problem Jay likes sequences, so he use to playing with a sequence of size N. He will transform the sequence according to K queries, and the format and process of the queries are as follows:
L R X: Let’s say the sequence sorted in ascending order is A[1], A[2], …, A[N].
High Score Kit: Sorting#3
Problem The H-Index is a metric that measures the productivity and impact of a scientist’s research. It represents the highest number h such that the scientist has published h papers that have each been cited at least h times. According to Wikipedia, the H-Index is calculated as follows:
For a given scientist who has published n papers, if h of these papers have at least h citations each, and the other papers have no more than h citations each, then h is the maximum value for this scientist’s H-Index.
High Score Kit: Sorting#2
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High Score Kit: Sorting#1
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braket rotating
Problem Define a string as a “valid bracket string” if it follows the given rules:
“()”, “[]”, and “{}” are all valid bracket strings. If A is a valid bracket string, then “(A)”, “[A]”, and “{A}” are also valid bracket strings. For example, since “[]” is a valid bracket string, “([])” is also valid.